Friday, November 6, 2009

Enough nesting, let's workout!

Let's induce on the 24th instead of the 16th..what's another week?

Ahhhh....precious words to my ears after a sleepless night and a sudden case of carpal tunnel in my right arm. My doctor is fantastic and he has been a huge advocate for me during my pregnancy to try and carry these babies as long as possible. I trust him, and therefore I will continue to grow these munchkins another 2 weeks and grin and bare it.

Complaining was something I swore I would not do when I got pregnant. We tried for so long and the IVF journey so emotionally and physically taxing. I haven't done much complaining, I have really enjoyed this pregnancy, maybe it's the anticipation that's driving me crazy, or maybe it's simply the final few weeks where pregnancy is just NOT FUN AND CUTE anymore....can I get a hands up for those in agreement?

I have not lost focus of the main goal. I want these boys to avoid an intensive care unit stay. I want their lungs and all other systems to be fully developed. For those reasons I will push through any discomfort I am having.....

I cannot sort another picture, watch another show or cook another meal for the freezer, I have nested enough this week. Let's workout! Treadmill walking always seems to help lift my energy and relieve some discomfort. It's been a while since I have given a treadmill routine... try this one out... you can modify (I did not go higher than a 4 incline).

Step 1: 10 minute walking warm up
Step 2: Increase the incline to 10. Keep waking. For every minute and a half (90 seconds) drop the incline. Pick a speed (4.0 to 4.2 mph) that will push you a bit. This should take 25 minutes
Step 3: Keeping your incline, do this 3 minute rotation until you pass 40 minutes
1 min jog at 6.0mph, 30 second run at 7.0mph, 1 min jog at 6.0mph, 30 second walk at 4.0mph

Cool down for 10 min and stretch!

Have a great weekend!


  1. longer they can stay put, the better, hang in there. I am sure the anticipation is killing you.

  2. The last few weeks were always the hardest for me too. I was uncomfortable, huge and felt like a beached whale. You are a champ! And it will fly by, and soon you will be holding two precious baby boys!

  3. holy cow girl, treadmill? seriously? Keep up the good work. That sucks that you have to wait a couple more weeks but it will be totally worth it to take those sweet boys right home.

    eta: I blogged just for you :-)
