Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kicking it into overdrive

On friday, my doctor said he will likely induce me the week of Nov 15th...that way we can go home with our babies as they will be almost 38 weeks. This sent me into panic mode and I had Tim set up the stroller and car seats...take a look, I think we need a turning signal for this stroller!

As I continue to slow down to a crawl (literally some days I resort to this child like behaviour to relieve some pressure) we were determined to not lose focus of our little man turning 5 on November 3rd! We had his party on Oct 24th...bowling was the activity of choice and he insists we do it every year now.

For Halloween we were told to expect 500 kids on our street. Lucky for us we know a candy wholesaler and manged to get 1000 pieces of candy for $100. Believe it or not, ALL THE CANDY WAS GONE by 8:30pm (and no, it was not consumed by me!) My 2 kids (Cole and my big kid at heart Tim) headed out as snake eyes (GI Joe for those who are clueless like me) and Darth Vader.

My sister came over to help me out and made this fantastic snack called Snake Bites (thanks to Normal to Natalie). It was fun to make and tasty to eat....if you could get past the actual look of it!

We used roasted chicken insted of lunch meat and low fat cheese and a low fat crescent roll. It was a great night, full of sugar highs and fantastic costumes.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Ha, a turning signal, you funny!

    And ew on that snack! I bet it tasted good but it does look snake like doesn't it?!

    450 kids! That's crazy. Glad your sister came to help, just the thought of that makes me tired :)

  2. wow, lots of candy, and almost time for your babies...


  3. We only had 35 kids...and there are so many kids living around here. I'm not sure where they go!

    Looks like a great stroller.

  4. wow they will be here in no time! Forget about a signal light just wait till you get the looks and/or gasps that go along with that stroller lol enjoy these last few weeks

    fabulous costumes btw

  5. Oh my gosh the babies are going to be here soon!

    And your guys looked great for Halloween. :)
