Thursday, March 12, 2009


My life as a junkie has finally come to an end…….I happily tossed (in a responsible way of course) the milk jug containing my used needles and syringes. No rehab needed for this gal, unless it’s a spa rehab…..anyone care to join me?

My pincushion was therefore able to retire last night…after a grueling 24 day stint. Job well done belly! You made it!

Tomorrow is a HUGE day!

My egg retrieval is scheduled for 9am tomorrow AM (Friday). TOMORROW!!! Can you sense my excitement at the thought of having some viable eggs. Is it wrong to hope for many eggs, which Tim and I can freeze? - (in a nice liquid nitrogen bath of course!)

I am too sick to be overly excited OR worried about it. Last night at 11pm I gave my final injection. It was a mélange of water and HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to cause final maturation of the eggs in the follicles. The HCG injection is given when the estrogen level and the follicle measurements are best for a successful IVF outcome. The HCG shot is required to induce egg maturation and an egg retrieval is planned for 34-35 hours after HCG injection -just before my body might start to release the eggs (ovulate).

Timing is everything I guess……and I am learning to just trust in the doctors, nurses, and in my body - this was hopefully all timed properly.

The nurse warmed me this injection was painful and the reaction to it was most likely a raised bruise and rash about the size of a toonie. Nausea, fatigue, as usual was to be anticipated. She was bang on. Instantly after I removed the needle a rash began and a hard purple bump started to form at the injection site. Nausea kept me up most of the night... Tim even documented my final shot… for the fond “remember when” memory bank I’m sure.

Today was spent at the drugstore grabbing some meds (pill form, yippee!) needed for this weekend and buying a little treat for Cole…he has been so sweet and patient these past few weeks, I needed to surprise him……with something more than praise, hugs and kisses. Something that speaks to the core of every 4 year old boy….

Hot Wheels…..

Good night my friends. In my IV induced "stoned stupor" I will give you an update tomorrow night. I will know how many eggs were retrieved....any guesses on what a good looking number would be?


  1. I am so with you on the spa!!! We need to plan a spa weekend sometime soon :)

    OUCH! You really ended off your life as a junkie in style eh. sorry to hear you are feeling so cruddy. I am hoping and praying for whatever number is enough!!!!

    Big hugs my friend, I am thinking of you guys and can't wait to hear how it went tomorrow.

  2. saying a prayer right now for my favorite former 'junkie'.

  3. omg omg omg
    I am on pins and needles (no pun intended) for you!!!!
